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10/15/07 "Aboot"
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First, thanks to Dave for his help on today's comic.

Well Folks. I've talked about it before. So I'm bringing it up again. I'm currently thinking about redoing my book. Making it bigger so it's easier on the eyes. So that means rescanning a LOT of comics. It would be from November 11th 2004 to October 10, 2005. Another idea is doing my favorite comics from the past 3 years into another book. So I just wanna see if you all are into those idea.

I also was thinking of doing prints. I was thinking like $5 for a print and $10 for a framed print. The price would include shipping. Let me know if that interest you guys either.

"Blame Canada. Blame Canada. With all their hockey hullabaloo. And that bitch Anne Murray too."
(Blame Canada, South Park)
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